Author: tladm

Black Tea vs Green Tea

The Big Life Black Tea vs Green Tea

It is not easy at all to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle. Unhealthy food is easily accessible, affordable and sometimes the taste is hard to resist. Unfortunately, these foods can contain free radicals that can be detrimental to our cells and DNA. They can cause a quicker aging process which makes us look older and increases the risk of fatal diseases such as cancer, heart disease and stroke. To minimise these effects, it is recommended that we have a diet high in antioxidants. Tea is one of the simplest and effective sources that helps us achieve this.

Tea, derived from the camellia sinensis plant, comes in various forms, including black tea, green tea, oolong tea, yellow tea and white tea. Whilst black tea is more common in Sri Lanka, perhaps due to the bolder flavour and more stimulant nature, green tea has got a lot of attention worldwide. There is a certain perception that green tea is the healthier form of tea. However, is this accurate?

In the manufacturing process, the primary difference between black and green tea is in the fermentation or oxidation process. Black tea is fully oxidized, whereas in green tea, oxidation is minimal. This process changes the properties of tea leaves and therefore the nutrient capacity.

It is evident that green tea preserves the plant’s polyphenols or antioxidants in their natural state and these are known as catechins. In black tea, catechins are converted into other types of antioxidant properties called theaflavins and thearubigins. A joint study completed by the Seoul National University and Cornell University, compared the nutrient components in both green and black tea. It showed that green teas contained more phenols, a type of natural plant compounds found in tea and also more antioxidant capacity per serving. They concluded that green tea has more health benefits than an equal volume of black tea in terms of antioxidant capacity.

Green tea’s catechins are widely believed to be immensely beneficial for our wellbeing. However, theaflavins in black tea are also effective. Both catechins and theaflavins can provide protection against cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes plus, they have other pharmaceutical benefits such as antihypertensive, antioxidative and hypolipidemic activities.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the main form of catechins found in green tea, could be the component that separates green tea from black tea in terms of overall benefits. It is the component that provides most of the benefits indicated above. The Epigallocatechin gallate level in green tea is about 103 milligrams per gram and in black tea it is 24.7 mg/g.

Flavonoid content (mgag dry weight) of green and black tea extracts and of the green tea polyphenol isolate.
Source: de Maat, et al 2000

Studies have also shown that EGCG has powerful antiviral effects against a diverse range of viruses and this could be especially beneficial at the present time. One such virus that EGCG has evidently reduced is Adenovirus, a virus which causes cold-like symptoms, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia and pink eye (conjunctivitis). EGCG has also shown to significantly reduce the transmission possibility of influenza, another viral infection that attacks the respiratory system.

Tea polyphenols are also known for their antibacterial activity. According to research done by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, antibacterial activity decreases when fermentation is increased, therefore stronger activity may be present in green tea than black tea. EGCG appears to play an important role in this process as well.

Additional research by the University with regards to weight management (citing Pan et al 2016) states that whilst both tea types have anti-obesity properties, the polyphenols in black tea may be more effective than those in green tea. According to the research, “black tea polyphenols inhibit lipid and saccharide digestion, absorption and intake, promote lipid metabolism and block pathological processes of obesity and the comorbidities of obesity by reducing oxidative stress”.

A majority of the above discussion indicates that green tea may be more superior to black tea for overall health benefits, EGCG being a main reason for this. Whilst most studies back this notion, it should be noted that one 2001 study (Leung et al 2001), indicates that black tea’s theaflavin can be equally as beneficial, although it may achieve results in non-identical ways.

Nonetheless, black or green tea, you wouldn’t go wrong with either choice if drunk regularly.

The UK Tea Market


The British and tea are so closely identified that the brew has become one of their character traits. It is of course surprising to discover that the origin of tea is not essentially native to England and yet, it has become entrenched in the British way of life.

It’s been over 200 years since the popularity of tea as a beverage emerged throughout the country, resulting in the English entering the tea trade during the 18th century. Today the UK has the 3rd largest annual per capita tea consumption (source: and it is the 8th largest tea consuming country in the world (source:

A study conducted in 2018 by the Research Intelligence Unit (RIU) on the tea market in the UK, unveils consumption trends, retail, exports and imports concerning the tea market in the UK.

In 2015, the annual income of the entire UK tea Industry was estimated to be GB £ 748 million. Starting out as a fashionable drink among a handful of enthusiasts, now the country consumes over 160 million cups a day.

A continuous increment of tea commodity prices in the UK was noticeable in the last two years. The major cause for the volatility was the impact of Brexit in addition to the rise of global tea prices.
The UK being the largest European tea market, imported 128,082 tons of tea worth over US $ 362 million in 2016 inclusive of 70,877 million tons bought from Kenya. The study reveals that China, India, Kenya, and Sri Lanka are the main tea exporters to the world. Compared to these countries, Sri Lanka experienced a relative increase in the growth of imports to the UK.
The UK being a major re-exporter of tea, distributes 17 per cent of its imports to Europe having their largest markets in Ireland (25.2 per cent) and Canada (18.10 per cent).

British consumers favour diverse varieties of tea; Black, Green, Herbal or Oolong and use different flavourings of herbs, milk, or sugar with the temperature and strength of the tea varying widely. To examine several general behaviours and preferences of tea consumers and get a pulse of the market in the UK, the RIU conducted a consumer survey in 2018.
In accordance with the survey, nearly 80 per  cent of the respondents consume tea daily whereas 55 per cent consume three or more cups a day which promises a solid consumer base.
The taste of tea, health benefits and relaxation are the main reasons for the respondents to drink tea. With the expansion of the tea market, a niche of consumers desire flavours in their brew, whilst the majority prefer it unflavoured. Black tea seemed to be the most preferred, in addition to green tea and herbal tea.
It appears that tea is consumed mostly during the mornings and afternoons. Teabags are preferred than loose tea due to convenience and the ability for it to be reused. Most purchasers are willing to pay GB £ 2 to 2.99 for a package of 20 teabags. China, India and Sri Lanka are the only developing countries that supply consumer-packaged tea to the UK in relevant volumes.

Based on the survey, Sri Lankan tea is mostly desired by Brits for its ethical production, quality and unique taste. 87 per cent of tea is distributed through retail operators while online purchases are  significantly low.

In the UK tea is mostly enjoyed at home and in office while the teahouse market is low with a 14 per cent share of all tea consumption. The respondents mostly visit a teahouse to meet up and have a casual chat with friends, much similar to a coffee-house.
India, Kenya and Sri Lanka are the main players in the tea trade. According to the study, the cost of importing tea to the UK is marginally cheaper for India than Sri Lanka. Kenya is the most expensive to import. Shipping duration may extend to over a month for goods to reach the UK. Sri Lanka takes 36 days to deliver goods while India takes 42.
The Research Intelligence Unit is a pioneering research firm that offers research based consulting focusing on several key economic sectors. Their research and advisory services include market and financial feasibility, environmental and social impact studies, as well as traditional market research and investment appraisal for their clients. The RIU maintains a strong focus building resources and extending networks to cover the private and non-governmental sectors in both developed and developing economies. Forward thinking and innovative, the RIU uses a mix of local and international resources to bring innovative perspectives to provide solutions for economic problems and keep decision makers informed.

Preferred tea flavors
Frequency of drinking tea per day