Packaging the finest teas and a helping of nature’s secrets into a tea bag to help people live a hale and hearty life.
We ensure that our suppliers are adhering to safe and ethical practices, eco-friendly production and sustainable packaging. A large and rising number of suppliers have organic certification.
Currently, a majority of our suppliers are from Sri Lanka, recognised as the leading
the global producer of quality for tea, coconut, cinnamon, and other spices.
A large and rising selection of our Ceylon teas are organically produced and certified by world-renowned organic inspection agencies. They are also Fair Trade Certified.
Having achieved excellence in manufacturing and exporting to dozens of countries around the world, our virgin coconut product suppliers have already established themselves in the world market for producing the finest of coconut products.
Nearly 200 years after the first commercial tea crop was planted in Sri Lanka by James Taylor, Tea production grew rapidly with all coffee plantations being converted to tea. With this, the country saw a dramatic increase in tea production growing to nearly 400,000 acres by around 1899. British personalities such as Ranolph Trafford, considered a pioneer planter with vast knowledge on tea cultivation, arrived in the country to work closely with numerous tea estates. Coffee stores were converted to tea factories in order to accommodate the first “Sirocco” tea dryer by Samuel C. Davidson in 1877 and the first tea rolling machine by John Walker & Co in 1880. In addition to the newly installed machinery, many new tea factories including the Fairy Land Estate (Pedro) in Nuwara Eliya, were constructed along with the introduction of innovative methods of mechanisation brought from England. With the growing popularity of tea, it soon began selling at tea auctions. The first such public auction was held at the premises of Somerville & Co. in July 1883 under the auspices of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. One million tea packets were sold at the Chicago World Fair in 1893, with tea establishing a record price of £36.15/pound at the London Tea Auctions. In 1894, the Ceylon tea Traders Association was formed and today most of the tea produced in Sri Lanka is vended through it and the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. Further value was added to the industry by the formation of the Colombo Brokers Association in 1896 and the Tea Research Institute in 1925. By 1927, tea production in the country exceeded 100,000 metric tons produced entirely for export.
For more on the History of Ceylon tea, please visit Tale of Ceylon Tea.
Today, many of the original colonial bungalows are still in operation as tourist destinations, offering its visitors the unique and un-paralleled joys of waking up to the refreshing aroma of tea, being treated to a five-star service of salubrious cuisine, having the wealth of nature available to them for walks, hikes and cycling as well as tea picking.